Mogoj - An ERP born natively in AWS

Cloud is the new normal. For enterprises, the dilemma is not whether to move to cloud anymore, rather it is how fast they can move. Organizations of all sizes and shapes do realize the benefits cloud brings to their businesses.

For many cost saving is the most obvious reason. Although it is true that running business applications on Cloud results in substantial savings due to pay-as-you-go model, the primary reason often is agility cloud infrastructure provides. When customers can add capacity as their business grows, and take down when not needed, they truly appreciate the power.

When designing Mogoj platform, our goal was to architect the application in a way that is based on the paradigm of cloud that makes it such a valuable enabler for organizations, especially for the small players, and innovative startups. There is not a single component within Mogoj application framework that is locked down to fixed capacity, that cannot grow as volume of business grows. The benefit is customers never have to worry about capacity, nor do they have to pay for things that they do not use.

Another area cloud excels is security. AWS cloud is secured by world renowned security experts, and by leveraging the security features built into AWS, Mogoj offers unmatched data protection. Customer data, for example is stored encrypted within AWS RDS database instance, housed within a secure Virtual Private Cloud network. All code runs in sandboxed environments on AWS Lambda, with functionalities exposed through secure REST API, protected with Amazon Cognito based authentication. As a result our customers get the peace of mind that their valuable information is protected against any threats out there in open internet.

We also recognize that many of our customers conduct business globally. With secured data centers across 23 regions around the world, and 55 points of presence worldwide, AWS provides a global footprint, that we leverage to provide our customers with the ability to go global in minutes.

Finally there is the power of innovation that makes AWS an undisputed leader in cloud. At Mogoj, we are always on the lookout for the latest features that AWS offers, and use those to provide cognitive capabilities in our application that was previously not possible or tremendously expensive to build otherwise. Using AWS AI services for example, Mogoj offers automated invoice and contract processing solution, intelligent language understanding, sales forecasting, customer sentiment prediction - all of which allows our customers to gain an edge over the competition by automating manual tasks and making sense of data that they collect through automation of business transactions.